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Fullerton College Library

Art Resources

JSTOR (Now Contains ARTstor)

To Start:

 Go to:
 Select "databases" box (middle/top), then choose JSTOR.

 In search box, enter key terms [e.g., "Georgia O'Keeffe"].
 Search by clicking "Submit Advanced Search."

FC Library is available 24/7 online. In fact, the majority of FC Library's books and periodicals are online resources. Faculty librarians select resources to support off-campus students, including materials such as:
1) eBooks (over 160,000, available off campus); and
2) Databases that provide students with access to: primary sources, periodicals (e.g., journals,
magazines, newspapers, and trade publications), legal resources, and more.
The library website offers sections such as: “How to Research” and “Research Tips and; Tricks,” featuring several pages dedicated to: 1) The research process, 2) Resource eval, and 3) Citation of sources. The library website offers users both: 1) Video clips regarding the
research process, and 2) Links to other Internet resources.

During library open hours, reach a librarian via text (714.732.5694), email (, or chat ( Emails are generally answered within one business day. Library chat allows our distance education students to communicate synchronously with a librarian to receive reference assistance.

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