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Fullerton College Library

ENGL 100/101 Musical Cultures/Ishibashi

This guide will help you with your research on Musical cultures.

Different Approaches

Vary Your Search Strategy

You can try various search tactics to find sources for your paper:
 Search for sources on the social, political, or historical conditions of the time period to place your musical culture in its corresponding environment

• Search for broader information on subcultures or countercultures (subculture* or counterculture*) and apply what you learn to your particular subculture. (Refer to the Search Tips page for a refresher on truncation *)

• Find information specifically about your chosen musical subculture. You could focus your search on specific singers or groups.

For example, try to find out about the social conditions during the time Punk Rock music started.

(social condition* or social aspect*) AND (1970s or seventies or nineteen seventies) and (United States or America)

Remember: Related terms or synonyms go in the same search box. You combine them with OR because any of these terms might give you relevant results. 

Notice that we're using the different spellings that might appear for the 1970s. You can also search for chronolog* or timeline* to find out about important events that happened during a set period in time. Chronologies often appear in almanacs. You might find online almanacs on the internet also.