From the library homepage, you'll see the following tabs.
(Go to the library homepage to search the databases.)
The databases contain academic journal, newspaper, encyclopedia and magazine articles as well as eBooks, streaming videos, and other online resources. The complete list of Databases will indicate which databases are NOT included in OneSearch. You can search individual databases by locating them on this tab.
Searches for the FC Library’s print books and other materials in the library collection such as anatomical models, geological kits, laptops, and more.
Simultaneously searches the catalog of library print books and most of the subscription databases, except for those marked "Not included in OneSearch" on the database list.
On the OneSearch screen, the login link is in small letters at the top of the page. You will be able to do some searches, but to access the full content, you will need to log in.
Check your MyGateway log in and password
Try a different web browser.
Try MyGateway to access the databases instead of the library webpage. Click on the FULLERTON tab in MyGateway to locate the database links.
Make sure you are logged in. Remember that the OneSearch login is a very small link at the top of the page.
If you are still having problems, contact a librarian through email, chat, or in person at the Reference Desk during library hours. Ask a Librarian. You may also try contacting Academic Computing Technologies help desk at if you think your MyGateway login or password is incorrect.