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Fullerton College Library

MREs: Military Reads-to-Enjoy

Reads Recommended by/Selected for Military Service Members & Their Families

FC Library eBooks

FC Library eBooks

Reassuring the reluctant warriors : U.S. civil-military relations and multilateral intervention

2015, eBook

Conflict of interest and medical innovation: ensuring integrity while facilitating innovation in medical research: workshop summary

2014, eBook

Challenging history in the museum: international perspectives / edited by Jenny Kidd, Sam Cairns, Alex Drago, Amy Ryall and Miranda Stearn.

2014, eBook

Chronic multisymptom illness in Gulf War veterans: case definitions reexamined, 2014, eBook

Failing Our Veterans: The G.I. Bill and the Vietnam Generation.

2014, eBook

Handbook of social work practice with vulnerable and resilient populations / edited by Alex Gitterman.

2014, eBook

Improving and accelerating therapeutic development for nervous system disorders: workshop summary / Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders ; Board on Health Sciences Policy ; Institute of Medicine ;

2014, eBook

Preventing psychological disorders in service members and their families: an assessment of programs / Committee on the Assessment of Resiliency and Prevention Programs for Mental and Behavioral Health in Service Members and Their Families ; Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the Assessment of Resiliency and Prevention Programs for Mental and Behavioral Health in Service Members and Their Families. 

2014, eBook

Red, White, and True: Stories from Veterans and Families, World War II to Present.

2014, eBook

Treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder in military and veteran populations: final assessment /

2014, eBook

Veterans and agent orange. Update 2012.

2014, eBook

Beyond the line: military and veteran health research / edited by Alice B. Aiken and Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger.

2013, eBook

Cognitive rehabilitation therapy for traumatic brain injury: model study protocols and frameworks to advance the state of the science: workshop summary / Karin Matchett, rapporteur ; Board on the Health of Select Populations, Institute of Medicine of th

2013, eBook

GI Bill boys: a memoir / Stella Suberman.

2013, eBook

Gulf War and Health. Treatment for chronic multisymptom illness / Committee on Gulf War and Health: Treatment for Chronic Multisymptom Illness ; Board on the Health of Select Populations ; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Gulf War and Health: Treatment for Chronic Multisymptom Illness, 

2013, eBook

Myths of demilitarization in postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1960  / T. Rath.

2013, eBook

Neurodegeneration: exploring commonalities across diseases: workshop summary / Miriam Davis and Clare Stroud, rapporteurs ; Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academ

Neurodegeneration: Opportunities for Collaboration Across Disease-Specific Research and Development Communities (Workshop), (2012: Washington, D.C.)  2013, eBook

Neuropsychological Practice with Veterans.

2013, eBook

New tools to enhance posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis and treatment: invisible wounds of war /

NATO Advanced Study Institute on Invisible Wounds: New Tools on Enhance Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment (2012: Ankara, Turkey) 2013, eBook

Outside the wire: American soldiers' voices from Afghanistan / edited by Christine Dumaine Leche; foreword by B. Turner.

2013, eBook

Returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan: assessment of readjustment needs of veterans, service members, and their families / Committee on the Assessment of Readjustment Needs of Military Personnel, Veterans, and Their Families.

2013, eBook

Substance use disorders in the U.S. Armed Forces / Committee on Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Substance Use Disorders in the U.S. Armed Forces, Board on the Health of Select Populations ; Charles P. O'Brien.

Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Substance Use Disorders in the U.S. Armed Forces, 2013, eBook

War makes men of boys: a soldier's World War II / Katherine I. Miller.

2013, eBook

Best care anywhere: why VA health care would work better for everyone / Phillip Longman.

2012, eBook

Compensating wounded warriors: an analysis of injury, labor market earnings, and disability compensation among veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars / Paul Heaton, David S. Loughran, Amalia R. Miller.

2012, eBook

Crisis intervention and counseling by telephone and the Internet   

2012, eBook

Dissemination and implementation of evidence-based psychological interventions /

2012, eBook

Embedded on the home front: where military and civilian lives converge / edited by Joan Dixon and Barb Howard.

2012, eBook

Evaluation of the Lovell Federal Health Care Center merger: findings, conclusions, and recommendations

Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Evaluation of the Lovell Federal Health Care Center Merger, 2012, eBook

Freedom has a face: race, identity, and community in Jefferson's Virginia / Kirt von Daacke.

2012, eBook

Ground pounder: a Marine's journey through South Vietnam, 1968-1969 / Gregory V. Short.

2012, eBook

Rural mental health: issues, policies, and best practices

2012, eBook

Semper Fi: the story of a Vietnam era Marine / Orville Leverne Clubb.

2012, eBook

Trauma counseling: theories and Interventions / Lisa Lopez Levers, editor.

2012, eBook

Veterans handbook: tactics for civilian life / Virginia B. Morris and Kenneth M. Morris.

2012, eBook

War and Embodied Memory: Becoming Disabled in Sierra Leone.

2012, eBook

War Trauma in Veterans and Their Families: Diagnosis and Management of PTSD, TBI and Comorbidities of Combat Trauma - From Pharmacotherapy to a 12-Step Self-Help Program for Combat Veterans.

2012, eBook

War! What is it good for?: Black freedom struggles and the U.S. military from World War II to Iraq

2012, eBook

When the warrior returns: making the transition at home

2012, eBook

At ease, soldier: how to leave the war downrange and feel at home again

2011, eBook

Continuity versus creative response to challenge: the primacy of resilence and resourcefulness in life and therapy

2011, eBook

Coping with blast-related traumatic brain injury in returning troops: wounds of war II, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Wounds on War III (2011: Vienna, Austria), eBook

Enduring freedom: an Afghan anthology / compiling editor Ryan Gearing.

2011, eBook

Service delivery for vulnerable populations: new directions in behavioral health

2011, eBook

Treating young veterans: promoting resilience through practice and advocacy

2011, eBook