This 4.5-minute video will show you how to use Wikipedia to determine the trustworthiness of a claim.
This 15-minute video will show you how to leave a source to decide if it's a good source.
When evidence is not provided, search the web to see what other sources have to say about the claim. Mike Caulfield will show you how.
Investigate an image to see if it has been tampered with by dropping it into TinEye, Google Images, or Berify. Skip to 6:17 in this Crash Course video for a quick demo on how to reverse search an image to: 1) check the types of sites that have also used this image, including fact-checking sites and 2) see if the image has been cropped or in any other way altered to change its context.
To reverse search videos, take a screenshot of a distinct moment in the video and run it through the same sites above.
John Green shows you how to tell good evidence from bad evidence and maybe importantly, how to identify “Fine, but that doesn’t actually prove your point” evidence - the stuff that the Internet is built on.