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Fullerton College Library

Women's History Month

Resources about women in history and Women's History Month.

Beginning Your Research

When choosing a research topic related to the subject of women's history, it's helpful to start out by thinking of specifics. Specific women in history or a movement or problem. Next, think of a question regarding this specific instance that you would like to find more information about or an answer to. 

Choose your search terms from your narrowed down research question and think of different ways to say the same thing. Write down synonyms or other alternate search terms. 

Use the graphic below or visit the FC Library Research 101 Libguide to learn more about developing a research question.

                                         Graphic showing how to develop a research question.

"Developing a Research Question" graphic by the IUPUI University Library is licensed under CC BY-ND.

Additional Research Help

Visit the Fullerton College Library website. There, you can search for additional sources of information using the OneSearch box (which will search all databases as well as the online library catalog). You can also email, text, or chat with a librarian online. If you would like more extensive research help, book a librarian for a 30 minute one on one research consultation. We are here to help with any of your research needs!