To find more articles related to Women's History and Women's History Month, use these search strategies when searching with the OneSearch box on the FC Library website:
Use the search terms women's history OR women's history month
Try separating the words using the word AND in between (women AND history)
Try putting quotation marks around the phrases ("women's history") ("women's history month")
Add multiple search terms or phrases together in one search box using the word OR in between ("women's history" OR "women's history month")
Articles are easier to search for if you have a very narrow, specific research topic. Try thinking of specific issues or movements within women's history. The ERA, suffragists, patriarchal versus matriarchal societies, the abuse or dismissal of women throughout history, specific women who helped shape history, women's rights, Me Too or Time's Up Movements, etc. Choose search terms from these specific topics and combine them using the boolean operators AND (if you want less results) and OR (if you want more results).
Filter the results by clicking Academic Journals, Magazines, or Trade Publications in the "Limit by Source Type" section in the left side menu
Read journal articles online by signing in with your student ID number (username) and last name (password). Make sure you capitalize the first letter of your last name.