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Fullerton College Library

Psychology Resource Guide: Find Books

Library resources for your psychology class(es)

Psychology Books

The library psychology books are located in the BF section (2nd floor book shelves, arranged from A-Z starting at the front of the library).

BF38...  Psychology, philosophy

BF173...  Psychoanalysis 

BF176...  Psychological tests and testing

BF180...  Experimental psychology

BF207...  Psychotropic drugs and other substances

BF309...  Consciousness. Cognition

BF501...  Motivation

BF511...  Affection. Feeling. Emotion

BF608... Will. Volition. Choice. Control

BF636...  Applied psychology

BF660... Comparative psychology. Animal and human psychology

BF692... Psychology of ses. Sexual behavior

BF697...  Differential psychology. Individuality. Self

BF698... Personality

BF712... Developmental psychology

BF1001...   Parapsychology

BF1404...   Occult sciences

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