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Fullerton College Library

Ethnic Studies: American Indian and Indigenous Studies

This guide has resources on Native Americans as well as research tips.


Welcome to the American Indian and Indigenous Studies (AIIS) research guide, featuring works by Indigenous scholars, activists, and artists. This guide will serve as a starting point for your research in the interdisciplinary field of AIIS, which is informed by Indigenous knowledge, advocates for decolonization and sovereignty, and is dedicated to disrupting settler colonialism and other intersecting forms of oppression that affect Indigenous peoples today.

For information about racism, also consult Unpacking Race and Racism | A Resource Guide

If you need assistance using the databases or have any other research related questions, please contact librarian, Jane Ishibashi, at


Watching the Dancers

4 Hopi women on the topmost roof of Walpi Pueblo looking down at the plaza. c1906.

Watching the Dancers. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA