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Fullerton College Library

Ethnic Studies: American Indian and Indigenous Studies

This guide has resources on Native Americans as well as research tips.

Selected Books on American Indians and Indigenous Peoples

Representations of American Indians

The controversy over representations of indigenous peoples has been an ongoing debate.

Caption: "Congress urged to remove tomahawk-swinging Indian statue from steps of Capitol. Washington, D.C., April 27, 1939. If Rep. Usher Burdick, Republican of North Dakota has his way, the 87 year old statue standing on the steps of the Capitol which depicts a frontiersman rescuing a white woman from a possible redskin tomahawking will 'be ground into the dust and scattered to the four winds.' Introducing a resolution in the House to that effect, the legislator said, ' the American Indian was no worse than some of our own ancestors, and there is no more reason to memorialize his misdeeds than there would be to set up a monument to the witch burners of Salem'"

Controversial American Indian statue

 Harris & Ewing, photographer. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA