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Fullerton College Library

Streaming Video Collections: Films on Demand

Library Film Databases

Films on Demand

These streaming video databases include documentaries, educational videos, lectures and interviews, performances, dramatic productions, feature films or dramas, and archival films and newsreels. Publishers include PBS, TED, and HBO.

Videos are all accessible, so there is no need for the library to take purchase requests from you. Your students can access them immediately with the link you provide. 

Scroll down for: 1) instructions for embedding FOD videos into Canvas, 2) what to do if you don't see a "v" icon in Canvas, and 3) how to refine searches in FOD. 

How to Embed FOD Videos into Canvas

Step 1: Make sure that you first have a page set-up in your Canvas course that you can edit.

Step 2: Click on the Edit button to begin the process.

step 2 illustration

Step 3: Click on the icon shaped like a small “V” to begin searching for the video hosting service Films on Demand. If you do not see a "v" icon, go to Step 3a in the right column.

Step 4: Once you click on the small “V”, you can select Films on Demand.

Step 5: Once you have selected Films on Demand you will be prompted to search for the video that you would like to embed. You can search by title (Example: FC Child Development).

Step 6: Once you have located the video, click on the Embed and use the dropdown menu.

Step 7: Your video should now display as an embedded object within your Canvas page. Do not forget to Save the page (and eventually Publish it


If You Don't See a "V" Shaped Icon

Step 3a: Click the apps icon and select "View All."

apps icon


Step 3b: Select "Films on Demand." 

all apps


Step 3c: Go back to the apps icon and select "Films on Demand."

films on demand


Go to Step 5 in the left column.

How to Refine Searches in FOD

  1. Advanced Search and select your filter options.
  2. For example, to search for foreign languages, select Search Options then Videos.
  3. Choose the filter under Select Filters.
  4. Select the Language under Select Filters.
  5. Remember to choose Closed Caption Videos to meet Title V requirements. 

Films on Demand Advanced Search