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Fullerton College Library

Streaming Video Collections: Kanopy

Library Film Databases

Kanopy has a mix of documentaries and feature films. Only purchased films are accessible. 

Requesting Access to Films: Faculty may request access to a film not already in our collection. Once approved, films are usually available in a day or two and accessible for one calendar year. Requests made over summer and winter breaks will be processed during the first week of the regular semesters. 

How to Share Kanopy Films

To share films with your class on Canvas or other locations, go to "Share" then copy the URL link.

To share films go to the share link

Use Filters to Refine Searches

After searching for a specific film or films by keyword, use the filters in the left column to refine your search by subject, language, caption language, and the availability of closed captioning. Sort results by relevance, popularity, most recently added, and title. 

screenshot of filters