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Unpacking Race and Racism | A Resource Guide: Research Topic Ideas

Resources to get you thinking about race, racism, and race relations

Choosing a Research Topic

When choosing a research topic related to the subject of race or racism, it's helpful to start out by thinking of specifics. Either specific instances or time periods of racism throughout history (slavery, apartheid, Japanese internment, etc.) or more modern day examples such as the disproportionate incarceration of people of color or use of deadly force against people of color by police officers. Next, think of a question regarding this specific instance that you would like to find more information about or an answer to. Browse the books and articles in this guide for inspiration or take a look at the short list below of possible research topic ideas, but the possibilities of topics are endless.

Research Topic Ideas

  • Assimilation ability and historical versus modern racism. Immigrant groups, such as Irish or Italian, were historically discriminated against and are accepted today. Groups without a "white" appearance, however, still face discrimination.
  • The idea of "ideal immigrants." 
  • The recent resurgence of racism as a whole, especially immigrant discrimination and Islamophobia.
  • The differences and similarities between racism in America and in the rest of the world.
  • Different forms of racism and their varying impacts.
  • Racism as a public health crisis.
  • The trauma of racism causing mental health issues.