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Fullerton College Library

Cyber Security

Library Databases

Library Databases

The Fullerton College library subscribes to dozens of databases. Think of each database like the academic Netflix or Hulu. Advantages of using the library databases:

  • Provide access to academic information without much other 'noise'
  • Resources are free to use for FC students and staff
  • Options to search and filter for specific resources



OneSearch is like an academic Google. It is a search engine that accesses most of the library's databases. Access it from the library homepage on the right-hand side. 

OneSearch does not work like Google. Keep your search broad by typing in one or two keywords. Ex. start your search with the term 'cyber security.'

OneSearch box as it appears on the library homepage


Recommended databases not in OneSearch

Other Recommended Databases

Some library databases are not searchable through OneSearch. These databases can be great for extra background research, statistics, videos, or viewpoints.

  • Statista - A comprehensive statistics database covering 80.000 topics from over 18.000 sources. Includes statistics on topics related to media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest.
  • CQ Researcher - The CQ Researcher is the award-winning choice of researchers seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Controversial topics addressed in a balanced, unbiased manner in the CQ tradition. Look for detailed analyses of current social issues, targeting controversial or "hot" topics. Check out the 2020 CQ Research article on Cyberwarfare.

  • Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context - Provides differing opinions and information on current social issues.

  • Films on Demand: Master Academic - Streaming videos covering dozens of subject areas including Education, Arts, Business, Sciences, and much more.