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Fullerton College Library

Research 101: Finding Sources with OneSearch

Getting Started With Research at Fullerton College Library

Finding Sources with OneSearch

OneSearch is a time-saving tool that searches most FC Library databases at once, including EBSCOhost databases, Gale databases, JSTOR, and Science. The OneSearch search bar is located on the library homepage in the tabbed boxes. 

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Review of Steps

#1 - Start with a broad search for:

  • background info
  • identify keywords

#2 - Use the advanced search to add narrowing and broadening terms

  • add aspects of topic, connecting terms with AND
  • add similar terms, connecting terms with OR

#3 - Refine search with commands and limiters

  • Use the wildcard * to find all word variations
  • Use "quotation marks" to search for phrases
  • Limit results to date range or source type

#4 - Read results for relevance and usefulness

  • Look under article titles for publication name, date, and number of pages
  • Look at subject to see what the article is about
  • Hover mouse over magnfying glass to read the abstract/summary

<<< Go through slides for examples.