Scroll down to the type of source you need to cite. Use the left column to determine what information you need to gather and how to format that element. The right column provides more details and examples. Example citations are provided for that source type under each table.
Author(s). | Lastname, Firstinitial., Lastname, Firstinitial, & Lastname, Firstinitial. |
(Year, Month Day). |
(2021, March 24). or (2020, December). or (2019). Include month and day, if available. End with a period. |
Title of article. | Only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (sentence case). End with a period. |
Title of Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper, | All main words are capitalized (title case) in italics. End with a comma. |
Volume number | If available. Do not put a space between the volume number and parenthesis before the issue number. |
(issue number), | If available, and pagination is not continuous. End with a comma. |
Pages. |
1122-1128. or p. B2. or pp. C1, C3–C4. If available. For newspapers, include p. and pp. Use an en dash with page ranges. End with a period. |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | If available, include the DOI whether you are referencing the online or print version. If the DOI is long, you can shorten using the shortDOI service at Do not add a period after the DOI. |
Include the nondatabase URL if the DOI is not available. |
https://xxxx Do not include the database name or URL unless required by your instructor, in which case use the permalink or stable URL. Links can be shortened so long as they work. Do not add a period after the URL or permalink. |
Blue, L. (2009, August 3). Preventing preemies. Newsweek, 37–40.
Bugos, J. A. (2015). Greasing the skids of the musical mind: Connecting music learning to mind brain education. General Music Today, 29(1), 5–11.
Cohen, N. (2010, December 6). WikiLeaks, Facebook and perils of oversharing. The New York Times, p. 3.
Davis, L. C. (2015, August 31). When mindfulness meets the classroom. The Atlantic.
Kortteinen, H., Narhi, V., & Ahnonen, T. (2005). Does IQ matter in adolescents’ reading disability? Learning & Individual Differences, 19, 257–261.
MacVean, M. (2015, February 16). Meditation booms as people seek a way to slow down. Los Angeles Times.
Rodriguez, A. (2009, August 10). Pakistani Taliban preys on youth. Los Angeles Times, pp. A1, A15.
Author(s) or Editor(s). |
Lastname, Firstinitial., & Lastname, Firstinitial. (Eds). Add (Eds) if an edited book. End with a period. |
(Copyright Year). |
(2016). End with a period. |
Title of book: Subtitle of book. | Only the first words and proper nouns are capitalized (sentence case), in italics. End with a period. |
Editor(s). |
(Firstinitial. Lastname, Ed.). Include if book has author(s) and editor(s) on the book cover. End with a period. |
(Translator). |
(Firstinitial. Lastname, Trans.). If work is a translation, include translator. End with a period. |
(Edition). |
(5th ed.). If other than first, include edition. End with a period. |
Publisher. |
University of Chicago Press. Separate multiple publishers with a semicolon. End with a period. |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | If available, include the DOI whether you are referencing the online or print version. If the DOI is long, you can shorten using the shortDOI service at Do not add a period after the DOI. |
Include the nondatabase URL if the DOI is not available. |
https://xxxx Do not include the database name or URL unless required by your instructor, in which case use the permalink or stable URL. Links can be shortened so long as they work. Do not add a period after the URL or permalink. |
(Original work year published) | (Original work published 1903) |
Kender, S. E. (Ed.). (1996). Crime in America. Wilson.
Kennedy, X. J., & Kennedy, D. M. (2014). The Bedford guide for college writers: With reader, research manual, and handbook (10th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin's.
London, J. (2004). Call of the wild. (Original work published 1903)
Proust, M. (1929). The captive. (C. K. Scott Moncrieff, Trans.). Modern Library. (Original work published 1923)
Waldinger, R. D. (2015). The cross-border connection: Immigrants, emigrants, and their homelands. Harvard University.
Author(s) or Editor(s). |
Lastname, Firstinitial., & Lastname, Firstinitial. (Eds.). End with a period. |
(Year of publication). |
(2016). or (n.d.). When an online work is constantly updated, use n.d. and include the retrieval date. End with a period. |
Title of article or book chapter. | Only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (sentence case). End with a period. |
Editor(s), |
In S. G. Rogelbert (Ed.), End with a comma. |
Title of book | Only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (sentence case), in italics. There is no punctuation between the book title and first parenthesis. |
(edition, Volume, page numbers). |
(2nd ed., Vol. 3, pp. 255–256). End with a period. |
Publisher. |
University of Chicago Press. If there are multiple publishers, separate with a semicolon. End with a period. |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | If available, include the DOI whether you are referencing the online or print version. If the DOI is long, you can shorten using the shortDOI service at Do not add a period after the DOI. |
Include the nondatabase URL if the DOI is not available. |
https://xxxx Do not include the database name or URL unless required by your instructor, in which case use the permalink or stable URL. Links can be shortened so long as they work. Do not add a period after the URL or permalink. |
American Psychological Association. (n.d.) Theory of mind. In APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved August 24, 2021, from
Friedenbach, J. (2016). Involuntary treatment for the mentally ill is dangerous and harmful. In N.Berlatsky (Ed.), Opposing viewpoints. Mental illness. GreenhavenPress. (Reprinted from 'Laura's Law' a Looming Disaster for Mentally Ill, San FranciscoExaminer, 2014, June 8).
United Nations, International Organization for Migration. (2013). Migration trends: Comparing the four pathways. World migration report 2013: Migrant well-being and development (pp. 52-84). United Nations Publications.
Waclawski, J. (2007). Focus groups. In S. G. Rogelbert (Ed.), Encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 255–256). Sage Publications.
Wexler, B. (2016). Mental Health and Illness. In Information Plus Reference Series. Health and Wellness (2016 ed., pp. 147–170). Gale.
Author(s) or Group Name. |
Lastname, Firstinitial., & Lastname, Firstinitial. (Eds.). End with a period. |
(Year, Month Date). |
(2016). or (n.d.). If no date, write (n.d.). End with a period. |
Title of report |
Only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (sentence case), in italics. End with a period unless followed by a report number or description. |
(Report Number). |
(Report No. xxx), if included. End with a period unless description follows. |
[Description]. |
[Press release]. or [Policy brief]. Optional element for gray literature. End with a period. |
Publisher. |
Government Printing Office. Omit if the publisher is also the author. End with a period. |
DOI or URL |
https://xxxx Links can be shortened so long as they work. Do not add a period after the DOI or URL. |
American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the sexualization of girls.
Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Pirani, A., Connors, S. L., Péan, C., Berger, S., Caud, N., Chen, Y., Goldfarb, L., Gomis, M. I., Huang, M., Leitzell, M. K., Lonnoy, E., Matthews, J. B. R., Maycock, T. K., Waterfield, T., Yelekçi, O., Yu, R., & Zhou, B. (Eds.). (2021). Climate change 2021: The physical science basis (Report No. 6) [Summary for policy makers]. Cambridge University Press.
National Alliance to End Homelessness. (2015). Ending homelessness for unaccompanied youth age 18-24. 20Older%20Youth_Final.pdf
United Nations Environment Programme, Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia. (2019). A human rights based approach to preventing plastic pollution (Issue Brief 01).
U.S. Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works. (2021, July 21). Opening statement of ranking member Capito for hearing on cybersecurity threats to our nation's infrastructure [Press release].
Author or Group. |
Lastname, Firstinitial. or Name of Group. Lastname, Firstinitial [@username]. or Name of Group [@username]. |
(Year, Month Date). |
(2020, September 5). or (n.d.). If no date, write (n.d.). End with a period. |
Title of the work or post content |
Title of work: Only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (sentence case), in italics. Social media posts: Copy the first 20 words/emojis of the post, keeping the original spelling, capitalization, hashtags, links, and emojis (or emoji names between brackets). See for list of emoji names and emojis. |
[Format description]. |
[Thumbnail link] or [Image attached] [Video]. or [Audio podcast]. or [Tweet]. or [Photograph]. or [Online forum post] End with a period. |
Site Name or Publisher. |
TED Conferences. or YouTube. or NPR. or Twitter. or Instagram. End with a period. |
https://xxxx Links can be shortened so long as they work. Do not add a period after the URL |
Chamberliin, M., & Holliday, S. B. (2020, August 12). Elevating Equity in Los Angeles Juvenile and Criminal Justice Reform. [Blog post]. The Rand Blog.
Russell, C. (2013, January). Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model [Video]. YouTube.
U.N. Environment Programme [@UNEP]. (2021, August 24). Tonnes of waste generated in cities every year:
- 680 million,
- 1.3 [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
Note: When referencing an entire website, it is enough to include the website title and URL in the text of your paper. You do not need to include the citation in the reference list as well.
Lewis, N., & Flagg, A. (2020, October 27). What 2,392 incarcerated people think about #DefundThePolice. The Marshall Project.
Vogels, E. A. (2021, July 20). 56% of Americans support more regulation of major technology companies. Pew Research Center.