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Fullerton College Library

Research 101: Using NoodleTools

Getting Started With Research at Fullerton College Library

Using NoodleTools

FC Library has a subscription to NoodleTools, a research management tool that allows you to generate or import citations, add annotations, create and organize note cards, format in-text citations. When you are ready, you can download your Works Cited page, References page, or annotated bibliography as a Word Document.

Exporting Citations from OneSearch

First, log into NoodleTools (0:05)

  1. From the library homepage: Research > Databases > N > NoodleTools
  2. Click the "Access Noodle Tools" button.
  3. Log in with your campus email account (8-digit student ID number followed by, e.g., and your MyGateway password.
  4. Select work or school account.
  5. Enter the code you receive via text to finalize your login.

Second, create a new project (0:46)

  1. Give your new project a name.
  2. Select the appropriate citation style (e.g, MLA or APA).
  3. Select the advanced citation level.

Third, open the article you want to export (1:10)

  1. In the right Tools column, click the Export icon.
  2. Select the project you want to send the citation to, using the drop down menu at the bottom of the window.
  3. Click the "Import References" button.

**Note: If you get logged out of NoodleTools, log back in by clicking the Microsoft 365 icon. **

Adding Annotations and Notecards

Video Sections: 

Adding an annotation (0:02)

Adding notecards (0:23)

In-text citation guidance (0:38)

Exporting your annotated bibliography (0:47)