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OER: Open Educational Resources: CCC ZTC Grant Money

This guide on OER (Open Educational Resources) is designed to give FC faculty some basic information that will encourage the adoption and implementation of OER in their courses.

Grant Promotion

Imagine earning a college degree or certificate without the added cost of Textbooks. 

Sounds like a dream, right? 

The California Community Colleges ZTC Grant Program provides funding to college districts for the development and implementation of Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) degree and certificate programs. The aim is to lower education costs for students and accelerate our student success rate. 

This program is known as the ZTC Program Pathway, this initiative must be fully developed and operational by the Fall 2026 semester. This program serves as a strategic investment in your department's offerings, providing an opportunity to become the provider of a ZTC Program Pathway in the district. Of course other colleges can have identical Pathways, our goal is to use CCC grant funding exclusively for your degree or certificate pathway FIRST! (We use the grant money to pay faculty to implement open educational resources in their classes). This exclusivity has the potential to increase student enrollment and foster academic success. 

Our goal for Fullerton College is to become the forerunner in managing and reducing educational costs relative to Cypress, Santa Ana, and NOCE, thereby affirming our commitment to student success. We are seeking to develop programs that benefit a large number of students and are distinctive to our colleges. Please engage with your departments to explore whether this initiative is a goal you would like to attain. 



ZTC Degree Deep Dive

Selected Resources

Faculty Experience

OER_ZTC_Panel Discussion with Communications Studies 10.11.2024

  • Application due first week of December
  • All ZTC Pathway work must be completed and implemented by December of 2026
  • Funds support what you are going to do and how you are going to do it
    • time
    • investigate available OER
      • work with previous cohort in your subject area to get where they are in their findings.
    • course content matches OER
    • planning how to implement in courses
    • professional learning relating to OER
    • resources

Application assistance and reporting assistance are given freely:)



Sample ZTC Pathway

Sample ZTC Program Pathway: 

The minimum threshold for a ZTC pathway is to have at least one ZTC section of each necessary class to meet the requirements for the degree or CTE certificate in the subject matter area, including GE courses.  
For example, here is Psychology degree with highlighted major courses denoted those that would need to have at least one ZTC section (sections A, B, C & D could choose which courses to offer): 

  • Required Courses (11 units): 
  •  PSY 101 F General Psychology (3 units) or PSY 101HF Honors General Psychology (3 units) (Currently ZTC) 

  • PSY 161 F Elementary Statistics for Behavioral Science (4 units) or PSY 161HF Honors Elementary Statistics for Behavioral Science (4 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • PSY 202 F Research Methods in Psychology (4 units) or PSY 202HF Honors Research Methods in Psychology (4 units) (Currently ZTC) but not HF 

  • Restricted Electives: (9 Units) Select three of the following lists (A, B, C and/or D) and choose one 3-unit course from each list: 
  • List A: (3 Units) 
  • PSY 139 F Developmental Psychology: Life Cycle (3 units), or  (not ZTC) 

  • PSY 145 F Child Psychology (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • List B: (3 Units) 
  • PSY 219 F The Human Services (3 units), or  (not ZTC) 

  • PSY 233 F The Psychology of Adjustment (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • List C: (3 Units) 
  • PSY 222 F Abnormal Psychology (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • PSY 251 F Social Psychology (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • PSY 251HF Honors Social Psychology (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • PSY 221 F The Brain and Behavior (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • List D: (3 Units) 
  • PSY 131 F Cross Cultural Psychology (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

  • PSY 225 F Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination (3 units)  (not ZTC) 

 Total Units: 20 


In addition to the major courses, there will need to be at least the minimum number of courses available as ZTC to satisfy each GE area.  
These courses must be available each semester so students can enter and complete the degree. I hope this is helpful to your planning.