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Fullerton College Library

OER: Open Educational Resources: Resources

This guide on OER (Open Educational Resources) is designed to give FC faculty some basic information that will encourage the adoption and implementation of OER in their courses.

Copyright & Fair Use


Please refer to the Copyright LibGuide for more information on copyright, fair use, Creative Commons licenses.

Clearing Up Confusion: OER, ZTC, and Fair Use

Understanding how you can use resources based on their copyright is important when selecting sources of course content. This webinar will illustrate the differences between Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) and OER and describe how Fair Use factors into both ZTC and OER.

What makes an OER?

Open Educational Resources are not only free:

a truly open resource is one that you can not only access and use but one that grants you permission in perpetuity to use it in a variety of ways. 

ZTC Vs OER Vs No-Cost

How do we describe that course section’s required materials? Is the section ZTC, OER, no-cost, all of the above, none of the above – and does it really matter? Join us for a lively discussion of definitions, effective and not-so-effective practices, and the implementation of SB 1359. We hope you’re free for our no-cost conversation.