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Fullerton College Library

OER: Open Educational Resources: Resources by Division

This guide on OER (Open Educational Resources) is designed to give FC faculty some basic information that will encourage the adoption and implementation of OER in their courses.


Road Blocks to OER/ZTC Conversion

  1. A lack of awareness about OER/ZTC
  2. Concerns about the quality of OER/ZTC
  3. Difficulties in finding suitable OER/ZTC
  4. Workload concerns (time necessary to convert a course)
  5. Academic freedom concerns
  6. A belief that there are no OER/ZTC materials and/or no ancillaries available for a specific discipline
  7. A belief that OER/ZTC is online-only, with no print options
  8. A belief that using OER/ZTC would jeopardize articulation agreements with UC/CSU
  9. Unclear understanding of copyright, fair use, and Creative Commons licenses
  10. Not knowing where to begin

Please reach out if you have these concerns

Concern Answers