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Fullerton College Library

OER: Open Educational Resources: Authoring OER

This guide on OER (Open Educational Resources) is designed to give FC faculty some basic information that will encourage the adoption and implementation of OER in their courses.

Authoring OER

Writing your own textbook or other OER material is a time-consuming task. Here are some links that will provide some assistance. ASCCC OERI staff recommend the use of LibreTexts for creating OER textbooks although they also say it has a somewhat steep learning curve.

If you have questions, please contact me, Jane Ishibashi,


What is LibreTexts?

LibreTexts is a platform for OER publishing, printing, developing, “remixing”, interactive exercises, homework systems, and more.

Fullerton College has a LibreTexts landing page if you want to store and share your OER materials.

How Can I Learn How to Use LibreTexts Effectively?

Through using the Canvas course:

LibreTexts 101 and Beyond

All California Community Colleges now use Canvas as their course management system. Thus, "LibreTexts 101 and Beyond" was created to facilitate the use of OER that can be found in LibreTexts in Canvas. As one of the largest repositories of OER materials available, LibreTexts provides a powerful tool for faculty and an accessible and innovative learning experience for students. LibreTexts 101 and Beyond will provide you with an overview of how to:

  • "Explore The Libraries" to find resources in LibreTextsLinks to an external site and then integrate those resources into a Canvas course.
  • Adapt openly-licensed resources to your teaching style.
  • Remix multiple resources into a unique customized OER textbook.

ADAPT  Libretexts' Adaptive Learning Assessment System   

Instructional videos about using Libretexts ADAPT

Licenses and Attributions

Adopting OER Content

If you have found OER content that you want to use, verify the options allowed under the license. How can you use the content? Can you revise the OER as long as it isn't for commercial purposes? How do you create the attribution to give proper credit for the work? 


Copyright & Fair Use


Please refer to the Copyright LibGuide for more information on copyright, fair use, Creative Commons licenses.

ASCCC Online Educational Resources Initiative's Archived Webinars: